Okazja 128sh Compound
ISKRA Okazja - 128 shots Compound 20mm in Z-shape.
Blue tail to Brocade crown to Blue;Green tail to Red blue stars with white strobe;Blue tail to Blue Dahlia with Chrys;Silver tail to Blue peony;Red tail to Red peony with White strobe; Blue tail to Brocade to blue;Green tail to Green Wave;Blue tail to Blue peony with Gold strobe.
Silver tail to Red Tip Gold Willow;Purple tail to Purple peony with Crackling;Blue tail to Blue Wave;Silver tail to Red Tip Gold Willow;Green tail to Green peony with White strobe;Yellow tail to Blue peony with Magic balls; Gold willow tail to Blue star with chrys, Last row Fan:Crackling tail to Brocade crown
NEM (g) 793
Schuss 128
Brenndauer (sek) 90
Kaliber (mm) 20
Kategorie F2
Gefahrgutklasse UN0335 1.3G
ab 18 Jahre